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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Why You Should Read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

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So let me tell you why you should read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Basically it's about a girl with the dragon tattoo, like what the title says. However, once you read the book you'll find out that it's just the top surface that needs scratching. I'll just tell you about the main character 'cause I might give everything away if I detail out to you what the book is about. The story involves a female hacker called Lisbeth Salander. The 24 year old girl-woman has a difficult attitude and a very eccentric personality that you'd think she's non compos mentis. You know how in some stories where a difficult girl just falls under the 'cliche' type of difficult or let's say eccentric? Yeah, she isn't one of those characters. Her type of difficult and eccentric is genuinely and hugely different. Her character is really bizaare and twisted, psychologically twisted and morally sometimes which may come off as shrink worthy. She may seem mentally disturbed but When it comes to information digging, there's nobody as ferrety as she is. She takes information digging really seriously. She also has this attitude that if you fuck with her, she will end you. She doesn't dwell on hurt,but schemes on how to destroy or manipulate the person who causes her to hurt through a very offending way. When she's faced with a negative situation or a disturbingly traumatic situation, you'd probably think she'd hurl in pain and condemn herself but the truth is she'll scheme. She may hurl because of physical pain but you'd be surprised by how her mind already works out her plan of getting even. Her character comes off as very cold most of the time but she has her tender moments, which are really RARE tender moments. Also, she has this conniving attitude, which she often show when she's about to get or getting or had gotten even. I'm thinking that her conniving attitude might've had something to do with her serious lack of emotional response, or maybe just because she thinks too much before she acts. She has lots of issues, mostly coming from suppressed hurt and pain caused by past experiences which helped in molding her cold demeanor.You'll mostly find her extremely non responsive which means either she's scheming, she's suppresing non beneficial emotions or she just doesn't give a shit. She's a feminist and a cynic, thus, her wry sense of humor. Looking at things objectively is such a norm for her . I really think that her negative traits somehow helped her get through, no matter how twisted her means are. This series deals with sexual assault, male sadism, murder, feminism, and a touch of politics. It's sort of heavy, so if you think that you can't deal with it, don't try. Did this book get any award? I really hoped it did because the books' theme may be dark but it's exceptionally well written. Too bad Stieg Larsson's not available anymore to continue this series. By the way, don't skim you'll get confused. I know I'm being vague about the story but specific about the main character, it's because I don't want to kill the story. Wouldn't it be better to be taken by surprise? It has a lot of supporting characters, another reason why you shouldn't skip. I can guarantee you that you've never read anyone as unique as Lisbeth Salander.

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